
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Harrison Hunter Reid is a serial entrepreneur, international speaker, and world traveler. The purpose of his life is to be radiant love, share extreme abundance and inspire others to feel fully alive.
Harrison is an expert in making things easy, actionable, and fun. He helps his students transform their health, take control of their minds, and create enterprises destined for success; all with ease.
Harrison went from being fired from every job he ever had to currently running 2 businesses. One that is relieving the global obesity epidemic by selling snack foods that satisfy our cravings in a radically healthy manner. The other helps American financial institutions structure their benefit programs to instantly generate substantially more income for both their employees and owners.
Harrison previously co-founded an events company when he was 18 years old that generated thousands of dollars for charity. He is also currently on the advisory board for two charities, Help For Children, which helps prevent child abuse, and National Alliance on Mental Illness, which offers help and support for the mentally ill.

Friday Apr 10, 2020
How To Hop Off The Hamster Wheel & Realign With Your Joy With Cambria Berger
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Cambria is a Life Coach, which translated into English, means a great listener, your biggest cheerleader and an accomplice in you having everything you desire to live a fulfilled life. She has a proven track record. using the Law of Attraction, time-tested Personal Development Techniques, Abundance Principles and a whole mountain of love, humor and care. She holds multiple coaching certifications, is a best selling author, and is the Operations Director for a Personal Development Academy.
In her off time, she is a wife and also a mom to two wild and wonderful boys. She has scaled mountains, flown airplanes, sailed ships, operated cranes, and dove to great depths for pleasure and science. She is clear that you have all of your own answers and coupled with her keen intuition, skill at asking you poignant questions, and a tool bag full of practical techniques; you can make the shifts that put the reigns of life back into your hands!

Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
You may know Tiffany Toombs as the international speaker and leading expert on rewiring the unconscious mind for success and tapping into your personal potential. For over 20 years, Tiffany has educated and transformed the lives of thousands of people across the world. She is the author of Stop Being A Selfish B*tch – A Comprehensive Guide To Living Your Best Life Through Radical Self Love, a top-rated self-help book.
Tiffany’s clients and course participants experience undeniable results – showcasing over and over again that our unconscious mind can be our most powerful asset – when we truly understand how to make it work for us.

Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Optimize Your Performance & Supercharge Your Legacy With Dr. Vince Burke
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Vincent Burke is a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy, with a Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer, and a Work Hardening Specialist. He has over twenty-five years of broad-based experience and has attained optimum results. His area of expertise in rehabilitation is in orthopedics and sports medicine, no matter the age, gender, or movement dysfunction. His other specialty is in personal training and athletic performance training. This, he does for the individual, small group, or team. Vince also has given numerous presentations and was the speaker/facilitator for professional higher education clinics, high school teachers, and camps for exercise, training and injury prevention programs.
His didactic credentials consist of a Doctorate Degree in Physical Therapy and also a Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida with Summa Cum Laude honors. His undergraduate degrees were awarded from Farleigh Dickenson University in Madison, NJ and Barry University in North Miami, Florida. He is an active member in the American Physical Therapy Association, Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Divisions, along with the National Strength and Conditioning Association and the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He also participates in the National Safety for Youth Sports Organization and is on nationwide forums for sharing his expertise for treatment and training.
While practicing in Florida, he taught athletic trainers at the Florida Atlantic University. He was the Strength and Conditioning Coach for Chris Evertt’s Tennis Academy and Chris Carter’s FAST Program. As a physical therapist, he was the team therapist for the Harrid Dance Conservatory Academy and many of the local high schools and colleges while working for the Palm Beach Institute of Sports Medicine.
Here in New Jersey, he was the therapist for the Newark Bears and the New Jersey Nets for SportsCare Institute. He also was the Strength and Conditioning Coach for figure skaters at the Ice House in Hackensack. He ran the US Figure Skating Adult Training Camp off-ice strength and conditioning program. Vince conducts off-ice training for 200 hockey players each summer with the Give ‘Em Up Nothing Goalie Training facility in Saddle Brook, NJ. Infinity Fitness & Sports Institute was the training team for the New Jersey Mariners and many of the youth athletes in the area. Vince has been the strength and conditioning coach at Cal Ripken’s Baseball Training Camps. He has twice been a guest speaker on News 12 New Jersey, where he spoke of athletic injuries and treatment, and children and weight training. He has been a guest on ESPN’s NFL Countdown, performing functional rehabilitation for professional football players. Vince has published several articles relating to youth training, athletic performance and injury reduction. Vince has also appeared on a new television-broadcasting network in the NY, NJ, and CT area, which features high school athletics. This station, MSG Varsity, has featured him twice in their broadcasts, discussing youth athletics, injury prevention, and overuse syndromes.
Presently, he is running his solo physical therapy, personal and sports training facility. His physical therapy practice includes all types of patients of all ages, from the active aging with medical and orthopedic post-operative pathologies, to the young, injured athlete, and the infant born with various challenges. Additionally, he treats numerous athletes, such as Olympians, professionals, amateurs, including, but not limited to, the fields of football, basketball, baseball, soccer, softball, ice-skating, karate, tennis, dance, golf, and hockey. On the other hand, many of the patients require care simply from work-related injuries, surgeries, neurological impairments, wound care, home care, and the like.
As for the personal training aspect of his business, Vince has the same outcomes as his rehabilitation…RESULTS. He has trained great athletes and hopefuls from all sports, ages, and genders. He has trained the five-year-old figure skater, the female all-state softball players, and the college and professional football player, to name a few. He is also a two-time NPC NJ body building champion. His photos has been published in, Body Building: A Realistic Approach, by Frank Melfa.
Vince was featured in The Bergen Record in 2007, and again in 2008, for the exceptional work he has done with his patients and athletes. Vince continues to think “outside the box,” as he searches for new and resourceful ways to help people obtain their optimal performance, whether it be in athletics or life. As he practices research-based physical therapy and personal training, he believes that one should always test new ideas. The practice conducts research studies on sports-related injuries and treatments to offer the best possible care for its patients and the public. Lastly, Vince has trademarked a comprehensive physical examination for athletes, called the MAPP, and is working with the New Jersey Pediatric Society to push its implementation by the sports world for all people who participate in competitive sports. The MAPP examines personal readiness to participate in sports, focusing on weaknesses that could lead to injuries when the stress of sports is placed on the person. He feels that this will greatly reduce the amount of sports-related injuries and even fatalities that we are seeing in the news today.
Vince is always searching for ways to educate others. He is constantly writing articles for submission to current magazines. Some of his published articles include: “Basic Weight Training and Conditioning for Children: A Must Before Functional and Power Training,” in Advance for Physical Therapists and PT Assistants, September 12, 2005; “Basic Weight Training and Conditioning for Youth Athletes,” in the Coaches Quarterly, April 3, 2008; “Are You Within the R.A.A.D.A.R. Zone?” in the NJ Cops Magazine, January 2011. These are just a few of his published articles.
Vince has created and trade marked a Human Behavior Awareness Program called RAADAR™. RAADAR™ is an acronym that stands for Responsibility, Accountability, Appreciation, Determination, Attitude, and Respect. These six principles intertwine with the eleven essential elements of human life: Family, Faith, Friends, Education, Charity, Work, Skill, Training, Game Day, Nutrition, and Rest. He has adapted his program for use with student athletes, school systems, communities, and the workplace. This program is about being positive and expressing/behaving the “Right Way.” With the use of positive reinforcement, the RAADAR™ Program encourages optimal human behavior for success in all aspects of life. RAADAR™ is growing and spreading quickly throughout local communities. Vince hopes to have the RAADAR™ program be integrated in all parts of life, nationwide. RAADAR™ was featured in The Bergen Record in February of 2016. At this time, Vince is in the process of lecturing on RAADAR™ and publishing his first book. Information on his RAADAR™ program can be found on his YouTube Channel.
Lastly, Vince has been addressing the epidemic of Anterior Cruciate Ligament injuries among youth athletes. He has been running educational symposiums at select locations to educate on ACL injury prevention and pre-habilitation. Vince has a vast amount of knowledge and experience with ACL injury prevention, pre-habilitation, and rehabilitation.

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Pinpoint Your Perfect Business Idea With Kat McLead
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Kat Mclead is the creator of Pinpoint Your Perfect Business: *the* proven framework for pinpointing your perfect niche for a high profit, high purpose, and high pleasure business while staying MOM first.
Kat helped SEX WORKERS transition OUT of the Adult Industry into HIGH PROFIT ENTREPRENEURSHIP 13 years ago... AND that’s how she developed the PROFIT AND PURPOSE FRAMEWORK. It’s since been continually refined and is now designed specifically for Busy Moms.
She started her first multiple 6 figure business 20 years ago, and hasn’t slowed down since — not even after having her son.
A fun fact: That business’s profits meant that she had way more money than her husband when they first got married, and was able to pay the entire $450,000 down payment on their home. Not that he minded!
Connect with her here: https://www.sahmentrepreneur.com

Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Michelle Demers is the Creator of The Power of 15: Move Mountains in 15 Minutes a Day, her proprietary process that helps clients massively increase productivity, break through barriers and procrastination, build new and lasting habits, achieve their goals, and ultimately create time freedom in their work and lives. She is also the Creator of The Power of 15 Club (PWR15 for short), an online community consisting of Daily Achievement Teams for action takers to get coaching, accountability, and peer support on their Wildly Important Goals.
In addition, Michelle is a Limitless Business Growth Advisor and provides mentoring and done-for-you services for coaches, consultants, trainers, experts and others who create transformation for clients. Michelle teaches and helps her clients to build and grow their own online businesses using her Daily Achievement Team business model. Visit PWR15.com to get Michelle's Ultimate Online Group Business video series and to schedule a free discovery call.

Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Living Your Best Life Through Trauma With Abigail Tiefenthaler
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Abigail Tiefenthaler is a mother, wife, brand influencer and former corporate marketing manager who started a home-based business 23 years ago. She launched a promotional products distributorship that grew quickly and grossed $1.2MM her 2nd year, putting her in the top 5% of her industry. She attributed her success to one simple strategy. Ask for a seat at the table; show up as a problem solver and the business will come. And it did.
Seven years ago she refocused from logoed merchandise back to her marketing roots. Using foundational marketing practices that led to successful launches, rebranding, and market share increases she started working with coaches and small businessowners helping them create branding that is authentic and compelling, marketing that builds trust with their ideal clients and establish sales conversations that bring in more customers, and makes the business more money.
Her belief is, “Build a brand and you will build a business.” She offers practical solutions that are custom to the specific goals of each client. There is no one size fits all brand or marketing solution and Abigail is not afraid to get her clients to implement the right next steps for their business and not necessarily the steps that everyone else is doing.
The one promise she makes to her clients is that once they have a clearly defined brand message and positioning that they’re ready to launch to their community their marketing and sales activities will be focused and simplified and they will experience better results from these efforts and most importantly, feel more joy in their business.
You can learn more at www.launchesmadesimple.com

Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Nannette Minley supports healers, coaches and visionary creators as they structure their offers, clarify their message and call in soulmate clients via social media in a way that makes them feel ALIVE and ALIGNED. In her 10+ years of marketing online, she has discovered that most "marketing problems" are due to lack or clarity or mistaken beliefs about what marketing needs to look like. Because of this, she has devoted her career to ushering in a new paradigm for marketing for everyone who is ready to grow their business without fake scarcity, shaming tactics or aggravating pain points.

Friday Apr 03, 2020
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Luke Burrows is the Founder of Grow2Gether, Podcast Host and Entrepreneur. Luke's mission is to help people to live their passion and change the way they think to unlock their potential. He is an optimist and passionate about self-discovery, personal growth and entrepreneurship.

Thursday Apr 02, 2020