Monday Aug 26, 2019
How The Power Of Numbers Changed My Life With Bobby F. Parihar
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Bobby has had experience working in a lot of different jobs before he gave up on employment to become an entrepreneur. Since that journey, his spiritual development led him to finding Numerology and Spiritual Business Coaching. Now he spends his days talking one on one and to small and large groups of leaders in training, to help them find alignment and purpose in their lives.
It wasn't always this way. Bobby remembers when he had only a few coins in his name, having to move in with his parents at 31, and having a destructive addiction to substances and self worth issues. With what you are about to experience, was the same shift that created financial wealth, a thriving family with 4 kids, and a global location independent organization that continues to grow every day.
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Christine Trippi is an award winning hotel General Manager who has been in the hospitality industry for over 30 years. She is the founder of The Wise Pineapple and author of Yes Is the Answer. Christine helps leaders and organizations to be confident, be empowered, and lead from the heart.
Saturday Aug 24, 2019
Saturday Aug 24, 2019
Greg is a serial entrepreneur, real estate developer, coach and mentor. Over the past 20 years he has bought, developed and sold over $250 million in real estate, built and renovated hundreds of custom homes and commercial buildings and started 12 different companies from the ground up.
Greg is an expert on the topics of real estate investing, real estate development and entrepreneurship. He has spoken at industry conferences and mastermind events around the country, he's been a guest commentator on Fox Business with Neil Cavuto and The Dave Ramsey Show and is a regularly interviewed on some of the top real estate investing and business podcasts today.
Friday Aug 23, 2019
The Journey From Unworthy To Whole, Complete & Perfect With Chris Burns
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
How To Become A Genius Of Communication With Naira Velumyan
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Naira Velumyan has a PhD in Psychology. She is a Registered Psychotherapist, an international Coach and Speaker on Effective Communication and Building Relationships. Dr. Velumyan is the Founder of the Academy of Social Competency which specializes in the training of selfconfidence, communication and relationship building skills for people all over the world. Naira has trained more than 500 people and addressed over 200 family cases.
Three years ago, Dr.Velumyan arrived in Toronto with limited knowledge of the English language and with a couple of contacts. Since her arrival and with determination and hard work, she has been able to build a wide social circle, establish herself as a successful entrepreneur and a community leader. In her Academy Naira shares the expertise on how to succeed through effective communication and relationships. Recently she was invited to become a member of Forbes Coaches Council.
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Get Focus Fit & Get In The Zone With Geoff Grieg
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Geoff's passion is to help as many athletes as possible to achieve their performance goals and to help anyone seeking improved focus to clearly understand and easily utilize the powerful new tools available for achieving more "zone" in their life. The key to Geoff's unparalleled success is his unique perspective on performance. Very few coaches have experienced as many pieces of the performance puzzle: Pro Athlete in Soccer and Golf, Award Winning PGA Teacher, TPI Certified Fitness Instructor, EEG Feedback Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Best Selling Author, Soccer Coach, Tai Chi Teacher, Ski Racer/Skier, Tennis Player, Mountain Biker.
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Dr. Amanda Barrientez is a NFA - No Fucking Around - mindset, habits and business development coach who is driven to help people thrive in their personal and professional life. What makes Amanda unique is how she coaches from coupling her social sciences training with her real life experiences of overcoming big challenges. Three years ago she was living in survival mode, on food stamps, trying to work her way through grad school as a single mama. After accessing free knowledge on podcasts and Youtube and then doing whatever it took to pay for high level coaching, Amanda implemented what she was learning to transform her financial reality. Today, she has a growing 6-figure coaching business and is building the foundation to create a multimillion dollar global company that helps business builders implement max potential strategies so they can have the impact and income they desire.
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Josh is on a mission to make mental health a conversation we can openly have. In his late 30’s, he had become a depressed, anxiety ridden, newly diagnosed bipolar, alcohol dependent guy. Stress from his television career and shameful financial ruin from a failed tech startup finally caught up with him. To silence the mental pressures, he came inches away from ending his own life.
Mental struggles are shrouded in dark stigmas but they don’t have to be. You are not flawed, broken or to be shamed. You are in fact quite normal. The modern world is triggering the crap out of our brains and we just haven’t been taught how to manage it all mentally yet.
Josh is passionate about coaching people because we absolutely can live healthy and balanced lives. You may not know it yet, but you have the power to re-wire your own brain! Giving you the freedom to have an incredibly happy and fruitful life, one that is of your own design.
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
After becoming a certified Akashic Records practitioner in 2015, Emily’s life shifted dramatically. Leaving behind a career in Hollywood, Emily created a healing business that includes teaching, speaking, contributing to the Huffington Post, and mentoring high level visionaries to access guidance and creativity from the Akashic Records. Emily is the Founder/Director of The Akashic Academy, a
modern day mystery school, dedicated to sharing knowledge that is changing the planet.
Saturday Aug 17, 2019
Saturday Aug 17, 2019
Connie Sands is a Wealth Coach to Women (aka...The Bad-Ass Bag Lady) who’s always been intrigued by how Women relate to their Money...the good and the bad. Connie likes to show women how they’re in a Money Relationship...and have been since their first luscious paycheck. Women are all about relationships. It’s in their DNA. So, recognizing this relationship and showing their Money the LOVE is emotionally satisfying, life-enhancing, and fabulously empowering. Other partners may come or may go...but Money is the
ONE partner that will always have your back, if you show it the love.
Connie helps women get rid of Money fears and doubts, and find their hidden Money Confidence. Personal connection and showing their Money the TLC is what puts the HOT into a Money Relationship. So, why would a woman WANT a HOT Money Relationship? Because it’s a relationship that can give her the options, choices and freedom to live the life she wants with no guilt, shame or embarrassment.
The thought of helping women break through their Money blocks is what excites Connie. It's a mission that never gets old.
With her well-spring of money life experience, real life resources, and sense of fun, she’s here to shake up your relationship with your money — while making it feel less nerve-wracking and uncomfortable and helping you grab more Money Confidence.
And when she’s not writing, creating or speaking, you can find her indulging in exploring her new hometown of San Diego, seeing fascinating arthouse films, and every blue moon she is on a plane to Paris, Mexico, or Rome.
Here’s to a whole new adventure!
Visit Connie at http://www.HOTMoneyRelationship.com.